10 Lesson Plan Ideas for Night


Here are 10 quick lesson plan ideas you can use for teaching Night by Elie Wiesel.

  1. Have students create a timeline of the events in Night, highlighting the major events and developments in Elie’s journey.
  2. Discuss the themes of survival, loss, and the human condition, and have students share their thoughts and experiences related to these topics.
  3. Invite a guest speaker who is a Holocaust survivor or has knowledge about the Holocaust to discuss their experiences and answer questions from students.
  4. Have students conduct research on the Holocaust and its historical context, and present their findings to the class.
  5. Have students write their own diary entries or poems, from the perspective of Elie or another character in Night, detailing their experiences and emotions.
  6. Have students create a multimedia presentation, using images, quotes, and music to illustrate the themes and events in the book.
  7. Host a book club or literature circle, where students can discuss Night in small groups and share their interpretations and reactions.
  8. Have students create a character map, detailing the motivations, beliefs, and relationships of each character in the book.
  9. Discuss the importance of remembering and honoring the victims of the Holocaust, and have students brainstorm ways to do so in their own communities.
  10. Have students write their own short stories or plays, inspired by the events and characters in Night.

If you want more detailed lesson plans for teaching Night, check out this awesome full unit plan.

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